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About our School


Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students' behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate.



Moreno Elementary Mustangs are Responsible, Respectful and Safe with Horsepower to Learn!

AVID Elementary

Moreno is an AVID Elementary School. Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an in-school academic support program used in grades 1st-5th grade. The purpose of the program is to prepare students for college eligibility and success. 



Moreno Elementary School helped lay the foundation of learning in our community over one hundred years ago. We take pride in our continued tradition of building educational success for all children. 

Moreno focuses on student academic achievement. We strive for consistent growth and improvement in both English Language Arts and Math on Statewide CAASPP and District benchmark tests.

t is with pride that we move into our new school site beginning in the 2023-2024 school year as a TK-6th grade  as a Creative and Performing Arts elementary school. 


Creative and Performing Arts


Who We Serve

Moreno Elementary proudly serves 735 students TK-5. 

Student Group Number Percentage
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 632 86.0%
Emergent Bilinguals
(English Learners)
100 13.6%
Students with Disabilities 127 17.3%
Students in Foster Care 8 1.1%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools. 

Ethnicity Number Percentage
African American 119 16.2%
American Indian or Alaska Native 4 0.5%
Asian 22 3.0%
Filipino 9 1.2%
Hispanic or Latino 502 68.3%
Pacific Islander 7 1.0%
White 36 4.9%
Two or More Races 23 3.1%
Not Reported 13 1.8%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools.